The Magic of Women in Community


You’re not lost. You're just losing who you have been…in big chunks. –Brenda K.

Her words hit me in the gut. Not because I was offended or hurt by them. But because they were so true and right on time for me to hear. I knew she was right. I just didn't know what to do about it.

I realized later that I was hitting what I call another ‘growth spurt’. But this time I was in my 50’s. My body was changing, my friendships were shifting, many of the things I did for fun no longer felt fun (going out to trendy restaurants with 9 pm reso’s).

I felt like I didn't know some parts of who I was anymore. Nor did I know who I was becoming.

I felt lost.

The formula I had used to feel fulfilled and successful as a young woman, student, friend, wife and mother was no longer working.

For the first part of life, many of us tend to follow a path that is not solely our own. It helps us create an identity and a personality that allows us to be in relationship with others and to survive.

That path usually, but not always, includes schooling, career, cultural and social expectations. And many of us check off those boxes and are motivated by the fulfillment, celebration and accolades they bring.

But then, there is this invisible line that we seem to cross somewhere in midlife. Where the outside accomplishments don't seem to fill us up anymore or feel as satisfying.

The path I had followed and believed was the only one available for a happy life, started to disappear as the path that was more authentic to me was starting to develop.

I started craving and longing for things that were different than my younger years:

  • Community of women who were feeling the same way

  • A desire for deeper conversations, not just surface talk

  • Slowing down but not sure how to do it and still feel ‘successful’ at life

  • The ability to say no to people places and things that no longer brought me joy or fulfillment

  • Courage and support to be true to myself over people pleasing and being liked.

  • To love my body and appreciate it instead of pushing and criticizing it.

I had been a part of women’s groups throughout my life: support groups, masterminds, sports teams, clubs, parent groups. And most of the time I loved the camaraderie, the chance to connect and support one another. It depended on why we were in the group in the first place, but most of the time, they filled me up.

A few years ago the strong pull I had to create a women's group based on self care and wellness would not subside.

I kept hearing the line from the movie, Field of Dreams, “If you build it, they will come”.

So… I built a Women's Self Care Circle. And one turned into many over the past few years.

They have been an amazing experience to watch and cultivate.

There is a magic that is created when women come together and share their stories. Connection is born and isolation diminishes. Solutions and support materialize from listening and sharing stories

Women who joined the self care circles looked like a light was turned back on in their souls,

The Self Care Circles help to

  • develop consistent wellness habits

  • feel more energized and hopeful

  • lower and/or eliminate guilt about taking care of ourselves first.

  • improve self esteem

  • feel connected to others and not feel alone

I'm so excited to open up the doors to another self-care circle!

After facilitating several of these circles last year, I learned just how much transformation can evolve from an 8 week journey through topics of health, wellness, and spirituality. This time is no different (in fact, I think it’s going to be even better than before).

If you want to be first in line to grab your ticket, go join the waitlist!