FAQ (all questions are good questions)

Q. What is it like to work with you?

A. As easy and simple as possible. I love meeting women exactly where they are and helping them find their own path. Recently, that has looked like a lot of video calls. But soon that is going to look like conversations over coffee, or even at my house. While I have a general plan and structure, the reality is that you get to dictate what we focus on in pursuit of your goals.

Q. How can I reach you?

A. If you aren’t a client yet, the best way is through this contact form. You can also email me directly at tradar0420@comcast.net. Once you are a client, we will have a more intimate way of connecting.


Q. What is a self-care inventory, and why does it matter?

A. A self-care inventory is typically a long, multipage form that covers multiple different categories. They cover all the different areas of life and you have to rate how well you do on a number scale. This can be a little abstract, so I’ve updated it to the fun version you can take here.

Being able to take a step back and objectively evaluate just how well we are caring for ourselves is important, especially as it is all too easy to be swept up in our busy lives. The more love you show to yourself, the more love you will have to give to others around you.