Create your morning self-care routine.


Our first few hours of the day are the most crucial to our health and wellness. Simply put - the first actions we take everyday matter. An effective morning routine will keep you on course regardless of the many situations life throws your way.

But where does one start in creating a morning routine that really works?

This is where I can help. We can sit down together (virtually) and in one beautiful hour, you will emerge with a morning routine that fits you, your goals, and your schedule. It doesn’t have to be a radical change. And it doesn’t mean going to the gym every day. The right routine is just as unique as you.

As a health and wellness coach, I work with women every day who are trying to create a life that they do not want to escape from. Why not start at the very top of the list.


How we will craft your morning routine


Define Your WHY:

What do you hope to get from a morning routine? This is unique to everyone. Maybe it is to improve your mood, health, or sense of well-being.

Ask yourself WHY you want these things? This may look like “If I’m in a better, more positive mood, I will enjoy my life more and feel more joy.”

Start with small steps and build 

Make it so easy that you never miss a day. 

If one of your goals is to wake up earlier, start getting up 15 min earlier a day until you’re consistent and then move it to 30 min.

  • Change gradually and consistently

  • If you can't be consistent, back up and start with something smaller

This can be the most challenging part of the process, and it’s where I can offer suggestions for small, sustainable changes.

Plan Ahead

Visualize how the routine can best flow from start to finish. What tweaks to your environment do we need to make? What can you prep during the evening hours to make that morning walk a bit easier?

Create Balance

Be patient with yourself. Crafting a routine that is best for you will take a little time. But with me walking with you, I promise it won’t seem quite so difficult.


Let’s work together


Your journey into a more beautiful, spacious, joyful life will not be linear. And it may become challenging at times, but you are not alone.

When you feel stuck, it might surprise you to know that the answers to your questions are already within you. But you need a guide; someone to bring those answers to light.

It doesn’t matter what the struggle is (weight, numbing emotions, midlife changes, relationships with others, career or the loss of joy in your life), when we journey together, you’ll find that change is a little easier. A deep calm moves closer to the surface, and breakthroughs to a new you are only steps away.


 “Waking up early, connecting with nature, and having my quiet time are priorities to me, and they are non-negotiable.”

-Danette May


Insight into my morning routine

A few decades ago, there was a hot new ‘self-help’ book hitting the shelves called “The Artist’s Way”. I resisted doing the Artist’s Way for years. While it intrigued my passion for self-improvement and seemed like it would be fun….

…I was (over) dramatically opposed to the main exercise it suggested doing daily: writing morning pages.

Morning pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing done first thing in the morning. The suggestion is to write 3 full notebook pages every morning for 30 days in a row.

Whaaat?? Thirty days? In a row?

I was well into my 30’s when a close group of girlfriends suggested we do the Artist's Way course together. My desire to experience the many creative and fun prompts finally outweighed my resistance to that one ‘morning pages’ exercise I dreaded.